Crowd Sauce project runs successful circular craft workshop at QVM

Trash Lab Alley Magic at the Purpose Precinct**, Queen Victoria Markets.

In December, our friends at MAKE Studios and IntoCarry hosted a workshop to turn soft plastics into treasures, as part of our new waste-saving project Crowd Sauce*, which is supported by Sustainability Victoria.

With expert guidance, participants transformed waste into sunglasses cases, purses, and more. Isabella from IntoCarry shared that participating in workshops like this "taps into people's tacit knowledge, boosting confidence" to make things at home.

From potential enthusiasts to those wrestling with guilt, the Trash Lab Alley event united a community passionate about sustainable living. Some had craft skills, others learned in just half an hour!

"Everything has potential; we just sometimes haven't tapped into it yet," said one participant.

This project is being led by STREAT and Cultivating Community, and supported by collaborators including MAKE Studios.

* Open Sauce and Crowd Sauce are both projects supported by the Victorian Government’s Circular Economy Business Support Fund as part of the Circular Economy Business Innovation Centre (CEBIC).

** The Purpose Precinct is a collaborative project, led by STREAT, Good Cycles and supported by SENVIC. Its home is in the F sheds at the Queen Victoria Markets, where people can shop exclusively from Victorian social enterprises. You can also purchase with purpose online via the website.


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