Recipe: Vegetable Scraps Stock Paste

This waste-free Wednesday, let's turn kitchen scraps into something delicious! With this simple recipe, create your own Vegetable Stock Paste from leftover veggie bits and bobs. No fancy equipment needed, just a blender and a saucepan!

Pro tip: you can save veggie scraps and offcuts in the freezer until you have enough if you don't already.

Ingredients (total of 4 cups of veggies):

A mix of veggies, for example:

– Celery stalks, (leaves can be used too), diced/chopped coarsely

– Carrots, peels or ends cut into cubes (including carrot tops!)

– Brown onion, diced

– Tomato, diced

– Zucchini, diced

– 2 garlic cloves

– 1 dried bay leaf (optional)

– Mixed herbs from your garden or past their prime, e.g., basil, sage, rosemary, parsley

– 150g rock salt

– 1 tbsp olive oil


1. Place veggies and herbs in a saucepan (if using a stick blender) or blender bowl.

2. Blend on high until a coarse paste forms.

3. Transfer to a saucepan (if using a blender) and add salt and olive oil.

4. Cook on medium/high for 20 minutes, stirring.

5. Cool slightly, then blend again until smooth.

6. Transfer to a container and store in the fridge.

Keeps for 6 months!


First waste workshop in the Moving Feast Kitchen highly-rated by participants


Moving Feast Kitchen Opens at Queen Victoria Market’s Purpose Precinct