
Moving Feast is an ethical, values-based, purpose-driven network.

We behave in a way that connects and improves the movement

INTEGRITY: We act with transparency, accountability, integrity and fairness

COLLABORATION: Through collaboration we collectively achieve greater positive impact

RESOURCEFUL: We live in a perpetually evolving world, which requires constant adaptation, agility and resourcefulness. We operate with frugality

BUILD COMMONS: Everyone in the community co-creates and shares responsibility for our commons (the Moving Feast knowledge commons, but more generally, the air, water, soils, etc.)

We behave in a way that is fair to everyone

PEOPLE FIRST: We build a people system. Care and empathy for each other lie at its heart, celebrating solidarity, diversity, inclusivity and tolerance. We strive to create opportunities for people who are often on the margins

EMPOWERMENT: We actively engage and empower people to have agency in their food system

ACT LOCAL: Problems are best solved at the local level wherever possible

We behave in a way that respects and regenerates the earth

ECOSYSTEMS: We support regenerative forms of agriculture, that (re)build resilient natural systems, considering the soil, air, water and biodiversity of our planet, grounded in recognition and respect of First Nations food systems knowledge.

RELATIONSHIPS: The nature of our relationship with our food is at the foundation of our relationship with life itself, and this relationship reflects the spirit of our existence

SYSTEMIC CHANGE: We address the root cause of issues, not just symptoms. The problems we are trying to solve are complex so we will use evidence-based practice and work at micro, meso and macro levels to effect change

HEALTHY PLANET: We employ the most sustainable energy, transportation and waste practices possible. While we solve short term problems we continuously track and improve our impact on the long-term health of the planet

Thanks and acknowledgement to Open Food Network and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations for help in shaping these principles.