How can we engage with the public about the circular economy?

The Crowd Sauce project kicked off with a workshop, hosted by STREAT and MAKE Studios, who challenged RMIT students to ideate ways to share information about the circular economy with the public.

The students were asked:

How might we engage with the public with the circular economy – through a workshop or experience that identifies waste at the market, and how it can be transformed into a product of value?

Using observational data from a one-hour waste audit, conducted by the team at MAKE Studios, the RMIT students used the waste information from the Queen Victoria Market as inspiration for their circular economy workshop ideas. They were asked to consider the factors below to ensure the ideas were feasible and useful.

*The Crowd Sauce project is supported by the Victorian Government’s Circular Economy Business Support Fund as part of the Circular Economy Business Innovation Centre (CEBIC).

**The Purpose Precinct is a collaborative project, led by STREAT, Good Cycles and supported by SENVIC. Its home is in the F sheds at the Queen Victoria Markets, where people can shop exclusively from Victorian social enterprises. You can also purchase with purpose online via the website.


Collaborative, waste-saving project, Open Sauce, expands to QVM


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